[编者按] 从本期开始,本刊将连载行正同志撰写的《谈谈一些英语常用词语的用法和译法》一文。这是本刊编辑部为了改革“科技翻译顾问”专栏的编辑工作,走访经常为本刊写稿的作者同志,共同商量选题的结果之一。该文针对出现于当前书刊中比较常见的问题,阐述自己的意见,并望与原作者商榷并就正于广大读者。在撰写过程中也征求了一些专家的意见,并得到诸如葛传椝教授的帮助,书此致谢。


1. a


误:I have a brother and two sisters.

正:I have one brother and two sisters.

【评】不定冠词“a(an)”不跟“two”,“three”,“four”等数词对比,但这并不排除与该数词连用的可能性。具体地说,如无对比,可用“a(an)”不一定要改用“one”;如有对比,则须用“one”。因此,上面被列为误用的并没有用错。又如:There were two long pencils,a pen staff and two points, a six-inch ruler and an eraser … (Lonnie Coleman: Orphan Jim)有二支长铅笔、一根笔杆和二只笔尖、一把六英寸的尺和一块橡皮…/ Nine children and an adult were killed and 17 others seriously injured…(《中国日报》一九八五年四月二十三日)有九个儿童和一个成人死亡,另有十七个人重伤…


  I have one pen,but five pencils. [有对比意义] 我有一支笔,但有五支铅笔。

  I have only one pencil,not two. [有对比和强调意义] 我只有一支铅笔,不是二支。

  I have one brother and one sister. 或:I have a brother and a sister,[a和one不能混用] 我有一个兄弟和一个姊妹。

  He will visit you in one or two days.或:He will visit you in a day or two.

[系习惯用法,不能说成one day or two或a or two days] 他日内访您。

⑤  A stitch in time saves nine. [用于谚语中] 及时的一针可省九针;及时处理,事半功倍。

2. ability

R. D. Tracey:Correcting Common Errors in English第4页:

误:He has the ability to predicting future events.

正:He has the ability of predicting future events.

【评】该句的意思是“他有预示未来之事的能力”。“ability+to+动名词”肯定是错误的。至于“ability+of+动名词”,有人认为可用,有人认为不宜用,尚无一致看法。一般讲,“(the或an等)ability+不定式”才是公认的规范用法。因此,我们最好写成“He has the ability to predict future events. ”又如:

   Copper has the ability to conduct electricity. 铜具有导电的能力。

   He has(an)ability to work alone. 他有单独工作的能力。

  The ability of a material to unite with oxygen is a chemical property. 物质和氧化合的能力是一种化学性质。

从以上可见,“ability+不定式”、“the ability+不定式”、“an ability+不定式”和“his(或your等)ability+不定式”均可说;第一式似最少用。此外,偶尔可见到“ability at(或for)+动名词”这样的结构。

3. able

原文:After two hours' climbing,they were able to reach the top of the mountain.


【评】译文中的“曾能到达”不相当于“were able to reach”的意思,而是相当于“could reach”,故不够准确,应改为“得以到达”。原文的“were able to reach”具有“managed to reach”或“succeeded in reaching”的意思。一般讲,含有“was(或were)able+不定式”的肯定句表示在某一场合经过努力而成功的某动作时(如上面这个例句),则不能改用“could+不带to的不定式”。在其他场合,比


  I was not able to(=couldn't)decide what I wanted to do. 我未能决定我需要做什么。

  He is able to(=can)speak three languages. 他能讲三种语言。


  After I've finished my course,I'll be able to speak French fluently. [将来时]


  He has been able to do the job. [现在完成时] 他已能做这项工作了。

  This problem is too difficult for me to be able to solve. [不定式] 这个问题太难,我不能解决。

  Only through constant practice shall we be able to use measuring tools correctly. [将来时] 只有通过经常实践,我们才会正确使用测量工具。

  He was able to walk thirty miles in a day last week. 上星期他做到了一天走三十英里路。比较:He could walk thirty miles in a day last week. 上星期他曾能一天走三十英里路[该句并不明确指出他是否一天走了三十英里路]。

4. about


Patient:I feel pain when urinating. 我排尿时痛。

Doctor:How long have you had it?有多久了?

Patient:About two or three days. 大约两三天了。

【评】about在该句中用作副词,作“大约”解,但是个冗词,宜删去,“about”一般用于表示明确的数量词语之前,使其成为略计或估计的数量。因此,“about”可以用在“ten”,“a hundred” ,“a thousand”,“half”,“a quarter”等前面;但不可用在“some”,“several”,“a few”,“more than five”,“less than ten”等前面。至于上述的“about two or three days”这种短语,虽然有人使用,但“about”还是删去较恰当,因为“数词+or(或to)+数词”本身已构成略计或估计的数量。又如:

  The average mystery novel is [不用is about] 200 to 250 pages long. 一般的疑案小说计有二百到二百五十页。

  Thismachineweighs300 or400 pounds. [300前不用“about”] 这部机器重三、四百磅、

  An alloy is a substance composed of two or more metals fused together. 合金是由两种或两种以上融合一起的金属所组成的物质。


5. accept


Buyer's request for insurance to be covered up to the inland city can be accepted on condition that such extra premium is for buyer's   account.买方关于保险投保至内陆城市的要求可以接受,条件是此额外保险费由买方负担。

【评】在英美规范语中,名词“request”不与动词“accept”搭配使用。因此,该例句中的“accepted”应以其他适当的词代替,如:granted,agreed to,acceded to,assented to,complied with。另一方面,作及物动词用的“accepts”(意“接受”、“领受”、“承认”、“认可”)可连用许多名词作为宾语,包括advice,apology,challenge,criticism,favour,hospitality,invitation,love,offer,present,theory等。
