
1. 1. The point that I am anxious to make is that the search for mathematical models of this kind, the study of their henaviour and of the relationship of this behaviour to   the   real   situations which they seek to represent, and the consequential modification, of them so as to lead to reliable prediction and then to decision-making, would not be possible were it not for the assistance afforded to the investigator by the digital computer——and by the work of the technologists who have successfully transformed the scientific ideas on which it is founded into stable, reliable and economic pieces of electrical equipment. 我要特别强调的是,假如研究员得不到数字计算机的帮助,假如技术员不把研制电子数字计算机的科学原理成功地用在制造性能稳定可靠、经济节约的电元件上,则探索这种数学模型,研究其作用与模型试图模拟的实际情况之间的关系,从而根据研究成果进一步修改模型,作出可靠的预测和决策等,这都是不可能的。(如果不打破原文的表层结构,就很难将原意表达清楚。现将第二个that引出的表语从句中三个并列主语search,study,modification以及条件虚拟从句中的assistance等——拆译成分句。)


2. The list of chiral objects could go on,but examples of two kinds of sea-shells tell the story. 手性物不胜枚举,但以两类海贝为例,即可概其全貌。

3. In practice, the selected interval thickness is usually a compromise between the need for a thin, interval to maximise the resolution and a thick interval to minimise the error. 层的厚度的选择是相当困难的,因为实际上有很难调和的矛盾。从提高分辨率的角度来考虑,总希望把层选得尽可能薄;但从减小误差的角度来考虑,又总希望把层选得尽可能厚。这就往往需要在反复权衡其利弊得失之后,才能得出一个最佳的折衷方案。(采取“前后引衬”的手段“以显其意”。)



A particularly bold contribution to African lithospheric studies has come from combining continent-wide gravity data, based on the 1973 U. S. Defense Mapping Agency's Bougueranomaly map of Africa, with observed teleseismic delaytimes for Soviet underground nuclear explosions recorded at African seismological stations. 1973年,美国国防部测绘署编绘了一份非洲部署重力异常图,把根据此图所获之全非洲重力数据与非洲地震台站所测苏联地下核试验的远震延时相结合,这是对非洲岩石圈研究的一项重要创新。


1. The behaviour of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by   a   number   of   factors,   including the riscosity of the fluid and the speed at which it is pumped. 在管道中流动的液体,其性能受到多种因素的影响,其中包括液体的粘度和泵送速度的影响。(在大小主语间加逗号、小主语前加“其”、“其中”,使层次更加分明。)

2. A hand held electric instrument that applies a layer of tungsten or titanium carbide on the wear surface of high speed   cutting   tools   without   heating the object to be impregnated, is recently announced by our factory.



1. The realization that man is an integral part of nature and that his interaction with the ecological systems with surround him is of paramount importance to his continued survival, is prompting a revaluation of the functional relationships that exist between the enviroment, its ecology, and man.人类是大自然不可分割的一个组成部分;他们与周围生态系统之间的相互作用对于他们的继续生存具有极其重要的意义。这一认识正促使我们重新估价人类与环境及其生态之间存在的功能关系。

2. The   material   in   the   preceding   chapter   on velocity and acceleration for simple types of motion, which we have referred to as the logical and historical groundwork of physics,is essentially the work of Galileo. 前章所述简单运动的速度与加速度的内容,主要是伽利略的研究成果,我们把它看作物理学的逻辑基础和历史基础。


3. Gathering facts,confirming them,suggesting theories, testing them,and organizing findings——this is all the work of science. 收集资料并加以论证,提出理论并加以检验,以及归纳整理研究成果——这就是科学工作的全部内容。

4. Conversion to electric power represents a practical means of transferring geothermal energy. However, the price of the conversion, is a substantial loss of energy, and further losses occur in transmission. and in the subsquent use of it. 诚然,将地热能转换为电能是输送这种热能的一种可行的办法。但是,这样的转换要以大量的能量损耗作为代价;更何况,在输送以及日后的使用过程中还会有更多的耗损。

5. The great scientists are often men of supernormal vitality which enables them to retain a freshness of outlook and enterprise even into their old age. 伟大的科学家即使到了晚年,持有新颖的观点和朝气蓬勃的事业心,因此,他们往往具有超人的活力。

可见,译文中是运用抽词拆译法,首先“将全文神理,融会于心”,再对那些“词理本深,难于共喻”的成分,则采取“前后引衬”的手段“以显其意”,才能“下笔抒词,自善互备”了(引自严复《天演论、译例言》)。英国文豪Jonathan Swift有句名言:“Proper words in proper places make the true definition of a style. ”(合适的词放在合适的地方,这就是好文章。)这句话也包含本文主题的中心意思在内,抽出合适的词放在合适的地方,拆句分译,准确而简洁地表达了原文的内容,这就是好的科技译文。