
属于这类的结构有三种:(1)increase(或其他相当动词)+by+倍数(n下同)”,(2 倍数+形容词(或副词)比较级(表示增加意义的)”及(3)“倍+形容词(或副词)比较级(表示减少意的)”。现作分别讨。

—)“increase by 5 times”


This year the value of our industrial out- put has increased by twice as compared with that of last year. 今年我国工业产值比去年增加了两倍。(凌渭民作:“科技英语中数量的译法”,1982年第5期《翻译通讯》第43页。)

This year the output of our factory has increased by three times as compared with that of 1960. 今年我厂的产值比一九六O年增加了三倍。(西北工业大学外语教研室编:《科技英语翻译初步》1980年,第258页。)

The attenuation caused by skin effect and shunt conductance may be increased by six or more times. 集肤效应和并联电导引起的衰减,也许会增加六倍,甚或更多。(周国珍编著:《科技英汉翻译十讲》,1981年,第173页。)

The steel output has increased by two times (by twice). 钢产量已增加了两倍(增加了 200%)。(阎庆甲编著:《科技英语翻译方法1981年,第74页。)

我同意另外一种看法,即increase by+倍数”并不表示净增的倍数,而是与“increase +倍数 样,表示“增加(n-1)倍”或增加到n倍”,我们不妨把by”看作为起乘号(×)作用。如15 increased by 5 times = 15 x 5=75。由此可见,75与15相比,应该增加四倍,而不是增加五倍。便一提,increase (reduce) by 1/3 (30%这样构中的“by”可视作为起加号(+)或减号(-)作用。在科技英语中,“increase + by + 倍数”远不increase + 倍数”用得多。

(二)5 times larger than…”

许多人认为这个短语应理解为“比… 大五倍”因为其中用了比较级。例如

This capacity was two to three times greater than silica gel treated at 300℃。 此容量比在300下处理过的硅胶〔的容量2—3。(同上《科技英语翻译方法》,第75页。)

Ammonia is decomposed 70 times faster on stainless steel than on aluminium. 氨在不锈钢表面上的分解速度比在铝表面上的分解速度快70倍。(田向国、陈达编:《科技英语翻译概要》,1981年,第43页)

At the same time,the big gear gives out 3 times more force than the little gear. 同时齿轮施出的力比小齿轮多三倍。同上科技英汉翻译十讲》170页.

The frequency range of signal generator model A is twice broader than that of model B. A信号发生器的频率幅度比B型宽二倍。(同上《科技英语翻译初步》,第260页。)

我同意另外一种看法,即“5 times larger than…”与“5 times as large as…”、同义,两者都应译作“比…大四我们讲到倍数时,在任何情况下都与乘法有关,即都有…乘…”、“…乘以…”的意思。设原数为2,说“5 times larger”时就是指10,而不是11。大家知道,“increase five times”只能理解为“增加四倍”或“增加到五倍”,而“increase”的意思是“make(or become)greater in size,number,degree,etc”。因此,在数量的概念方面“5 times +比较级”与“increase 5 times”是一致的,没有一倍之差。

倍数+比较级” 这个结构,某些英美学者的看法也不一致。如:

1. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (第八版)time条:1)…(five times greater) (2)…seven times smaller) (three times closer),(肯定这种结构。)

2. 1979 年出版的 TOEFL,Incorrect; The price was very reasonable;I would gladly hate paid three times more than he asked. Correct:…three times as much as he asked. (认为这 种结构是错误的。)

3. Bergen Evans 及 Cornelia Evans 编著的 A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage time; times 条:… as in it is three times as large and it is three times larger. The first form is perfectly clear but the second is ambiguous. It means to some people three times as large and to others four times as large. For this reason,it should be avoided. (认为第二种结构可能有两种解释,故应避免使用。)

4. The Concise Oxford Dictionary (第 六版)time 条:…ten times easier or as easy. (认为两种结构意义相同。)

5. F. T. Wood 编著的 Current English Usage at A Concise Dictionary (1962) comparatives 条:‘This box is three times heavier than the other.Incorrect. Amend to three times as heavy as. (认为这种结构是错误的。)

6. John Swales 编著的 Writing Scientific English (1971 年,London,Nelson 版)第30 页A yard is three times longer than a foot = A yard is three times as long as a foot. A meter is more than 3 times longer than a foot = A meter is more than 3 times as long as a foot. (认为两种结构意义相同。)

但在英美科技书刊中,“倍数+比较级+ than…”这种结构普遍使用着,因此它的适用性及正确性似不容怀疑。我们面临的问题是怎样正确理解这种结构。我们可以举出许多例子证明“倍数+比较+ than”与“倍数+ as十原级+ as”同义,如Our earth is four times bigger than the moon,which circles round us every month. 我们的地球比月球大三倍,月亮每一个月绕着我们转一圈。(月球的直径为3,476公里,约为地球的1/4。) The oxygen atom is 16 times heavier than the hydrogen atom,so that if the atomic weight of hydrogen = 1,then the atomic weight of oxygen = 16. 氧原子的重量是氢原子的16倍,所以如果氢的原子量1,氧的原子量是16。(句子本身已指出确切的倍数。)

(三5 times smaller than…”

这个结构与5 times larger than…”相反,而与“5 times as small as…”同义。但我们不能将其译“比…小四倍”,因这样说法不符合汉语规范,而应译成…小4/5”。这就是说,我们将原文倍数化为分数,译成“比…n - 1/n(指减去部分)”,或“为…的 1/n(指剩下部分)”。如果减少的倍数中有小数点,则应进一步换成不带小数点的分数或换算成百分数。关于换算方式等问题。这里仅举几个例句如下:

This kind of film is twice thinner than ordinary paper. 这种薄膜比通纸薄一半。(或:这种薄膜的厚度为普通纸的一半。)

② The power output of this machine is twice less than its input. 这部机器的输出功率比输入功率小二分之一。

Aluminium is almost more than three times lighter than copper. 铝几乎比铜轻三分之二强。

“reduce (或其他相当动词)+倍数”也应同样,处理。例如:

Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened 3 times. 新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了三分之二。(或:…缩短到三分之一。)

The new equipment will reduce the error probability by a factor of 7. 新设备将使误差概率降低七分之六。

必须指出,有人应用“减少n/n+1”及“减少到 1/n+1这两种方式翻译类似句子,这显然是不妥当的。例如:

A is twice less than B. A是B 的三分之一(A 比B小 2/3)。

This one is nine times lighter than that one. 这一个比那二个轻十分之九。

The total enthalpy of the gas to be cooled would also be three to four times smaller. 待冷却气体的总热函也会减小到原来的1/5 1/4
