22. ChinamanChinese



A Chinaman(很少用Chinese)

five Chinamen(有时也用Chinese)

10,000 Chinese(有时也用Chinamen)

the Chinese(很少用Chinamen)

She is Chinese(不用Chinaman)。


① Comrade Li is a Chinese. 李同志是中国人。

② There are fifty-five(many)Chinese in the hall. 大厅里有五十五个(许多)中国人。

The Chinese are a brave and hard-working people. 中国人是勇敢而勤劳的民族。

The Chinese do not have Rh-negative blood,and their blood banks do not store it. 中国人没有Rh阴性血液,而且他们的血库不贮存它。

⑤ Printing was first invented by the Chinese. 印刷术是中国人首先发明的。

Chinese always drink their tea straight,no sugar,cream or lemon. 中国人总是喝清茶,不加糖、奶油或柠檬。

The Chinese who live there prefer coffee to tea. 住在那里的中国人喜欢喝咖啡,不喜欢喝茶。


Do you speak(understand)Chinese?你会讲(你懂)中国话(或汉语)吗?[这里Chinese. 等于“the Chinese language”。]比较:

What is the Chinese for“modernization”?“modernization”用中国话(或汉语)怎么说?[这里“the Chinese”等于“the Chinese word”或“the Chinese expression”。]


① He is Chinese. 他是中国人。

②They are Chinese. 他们是中国人。[这里“Chinese”也可看作名词。]


23. discuss

Zhou Enlai and the Xi'an Incident第90页(外文出版社1983年出版):

Comrade Zhou Enlai discussed with the generals of the Northeastern Army and the 17th Route Army on how they could form allied forces with the Red Army,…

【评】该句的意思是“周恩来同志同东北军和十七路军的将领讨论了他们怎样才能与红军组成联军,…”,但“how”前的介词“on”应删去,因“discussed”是及物动词,要求其后从句“how they could form allied forces with the Red Army”作为宾语。又如:

① We have discussed the effect of chemical variation on the measurement. 我们已讨论了化学变化对测量的影响。

② They will discuss what to do next. 他们将讨论下一步干什么。

③ Electricity production was discussed in detail. 电力生产问题经详细讨论过了。


①There has been too much discussion of the subject. 这个问题讨论得太多了。

②He and his friend had a discussion about it. 他和他的朋友对它作了讨论。

③ We are having a discussion on art. 我们就艺术问题正在进行讨论。

24. French

《英语中常见的错误》第165页(系S · E · Paces编著的Common Errors in English汉译本,福建人民出版社1983年出版):

He's not a French,is he?他不是法国人,对吗?

【评】该句中的不定冠词“a”应删去,因“French”是形容词(意法国的、法兰西的、法国人的、法语的),我们也可改用名词“Frenchman”而说成“He's not a Frenchman,is he?”“Frenchman”(复数为Frenchmen)意“法国人”和“法国男子”;“Frenchwoman”(复数为Frenchwomen)意“法国女子”。


The French have long had trade relations with us. 法国人久已与我们有贸易关系。

The French are very friendly to us. 或Frenchmen are very friendly to us. 法国人对我们非常友好。

③ She is a Frenchwoman. 她是法国(女)人。

The Frenchman I know is a civil engineer. 我所认法国人是一位土木工程师。

作为名词,“French”还有“法语”的意思,但其前不用定冠词;其用法同22. Chinese。


个别人                    人民                语言         形容词

an Englisman   the English         English     English

a Dutchman     the Dutch           Dutch       Dutch

an Irishman       the Irish               Irish           Irish

a Spaniard         the Spanish         Spanish     Spanish

a Swede             the Swedish       Swedish   Swedish

a Welshman       the Welsh           Welsh       Welsh


25. kind


The cockroach is a kind of insect. 蟑螂是一种昆虫。

Raw materials are turned into different kinds of goods. 原材料被制成各种不同的商品。

All kinds of poverty are present in the slums. 在这个贫民窟里各种贫穷的景象都可以看到。

注:A kind of后面跟单数名词。Kinds of后面跟复数名词(或是一个抽象名词或单数的不可数名词)。


① This kind of book is useful.

② This kind of books is useful.

③ This kind of books are useful.

④ These kind of books are useful。

Books of this kind are useful。

⑥ These kinds of book are useful。

⑦ These kinds of books are useful。

Books of these kinds are useful。


“what kind of+名词”和“what kind of a+名词”含意不同:前者问“什么种类的”,而后者问“怎么样的”。例如:

What kind of workman is he?他是什么(或哪一类)工人?[问的是工种、行业]

What kind of a workman is he?他是怎么样的工人?[问的是技能、熟练程度等]

What kind of holiday did you have?你度过的是哪一类假日?[问的是度假方式,即怎样度过的]

What kind of a holiday did you have?你度过的是怎么样的假日?[问的是度假情况,即度得怎么样]但

What kind of(a)man is he?他是怎么样的一个人?[这是一般译法,对“a”之有无不加区别。但也有人认为:用了说话人想知道这个人的一些个别特点;而不用“a”则是想知道这个人属于哪一种类型。]我们可以说“all kinds of”和“all kind of”(后者较少见;但只能说“of all kinds”),“all manner of”(较少用;但不能说“all manners of”),均表示“各种各样的”的意思。另外,“sort”(种类)和“type”(类型、式样)在与名词搭配使用方面同“kind”一样,但“all sorts of”和“all types of”中之“sorts”和“types”不能改为“sort”和“type”,现一并举例如下:

① We are trying to make good use of all kinds of energy. 我们正在试图很好地利用各种能量。

② Most American universities offer scholarships of various kinds. 多数美国大学提供各种奖学金。

③ This shop is well stocked with goods of all kinds. 这家商店里各式货物一应俱全。

④ He has all manner of problems. 他有各种各样问题。

What sort of work does he do?他是搞哪一种工作的?

⑥ We talked of all sorts of subjects. 我们谈到各种各样的问题。

⑦ We may see advertisements of all sorts and kinds here. 我们在这里可看到五花八门的广告招贴。

⑧ It is a new type of socialist university. 这是一所新型的社会主义。

⑨There are various types of bearings:sleeve bearings,ball bearings,roller bearings etc. 轴承有各种类型:套筒轴承、滚珠轴承、滚柱轴承,等等。(待续)