34. congratulation


Jiang Zemin,mayor of Shanghai,read a message of congratulations

Japanese Ambassador to China,…read a message of congratulation

[评]在同一段新闻报道中,一个句子用“congratulation”,而另一个句子用“congratulations”。显然,使用单数形式是对的。这是因为“of congratulation”作为后置定语用,意“祝贺的”。“a message of congratulation”等于“a congratulatory message”,意“贺电”及“祝词”。“congratulation”作“祝贺”或“庆贺”解时,系表示该行为的抽象名词,不用复数;作“贺词”及“祝词”解时,常用复数。因此,1985年第9期《英语学习》第9页上“Please accept my heartiest(sincerest,warmest,etc.)congratulation”一句中的“congratulation”应改为其复数形式“congratulations”。又如:

① It is a matter for congratulation,这是一件喜事(或值得庆贺的事情)。

② Don't waste time on self-congratulation(=on congratulating yourself);there is still work to do. 别把时间浪费在自我庆幸上面,还有工作要做哩。

③ It's your birthday today. Congratulations!今天是你的生日。向你祝贺(或恭喜恭喜)!

④ Please accept my sincere congratulations on your success(on your recovery from illness). 谨祝贺你成功(你恢复健康)。

35. medical certificate


On account of an attack of the flu with a severe headache,I shall be unable to attend classes today,for which I submit herewith a medical certificate issued by our clinic. 因患感冒,头痛剧烈,今天不能前来上课,特附上保健科所给病假单一纸,请准假为感。

【评】“medical certificate”似应译为“诊断书”,而我们通常所说的“病假单”的英语相当语似为“certificate for sick leave”。

36. reply


I had a mountain of letters to reply. 我有堆积如山的信件要回。


① I asked him where to go but he didn't reply. 我问他要到什么地方去,但他不回答。

② Please reply at your earliest convenience. 请有便即复。

③ He did not reply to my letter. 他没有答复我的信。

④ They replied to the enemy's attack. 他们对敌人的进攻加以回击。

⑤ We don't Know what to reply. 我们不知道应该用什么话回答。[比较:We don't Know what to reply to. 我们不知道应该对什么作答。]

⑥ “Of course not”he replied. “当然不,”他答道。

⑦ The engineer replied that he had never seen such a good machine before. 那位工程师回答说,他从来没有见到这样好的机器。

37. road accidenttraffic accident


误:There was a terrible traffic accident yesterday.

正:There was a terrible road accident yesterday.

Note:“Traffic accident”is not idiomatic.

【评】该句的意思是“昨天发生一起交通事故”。该书认为“traffic accident”是错的或非惯用的。事实上并非如此。在商务印书馆出版的《英汉词典》中我们可以看到“交通事故”和“车祸”均译为“traffic(或road)accident”;在Longman Dictionary of Business English的traffic条下列有“a traffic accident”。如果说“road accident”和“traffic accident”有什么不同的话,那主要是后者不一定指路面上发生的交通事故。笔者在阅读书报过程中发现“traffic accident”远较多用。例如:

① In the last two weeks of August,40 people died in traffic accidents in and around the Chinese capital. …八月份最后两周内,在中国首都及其附近有四十个人死于交通事故(或车祸)……

Traffic accidents would never occur if drivers drove more carefully. 假使司机开车更谨慎一些,交通事故绝不会发生。

③ Another advantage is that you escape the ever-present threat of traffic accidents on the city's busy streets. [在地下购物和用餐的]另一个优点就是能避免闹市街头随时都可能发生的交通事故的威胁。

38. see to it that


We trust that you will see to it that the order is to be shipped within the stipulated time,as any delay would cause us great inconvenience and monetary loss,相信你方能做到在规定时间内装运定货。因为任何拖延会造成我方不便和钱财上的损失。

【评】该句中的“is to be”宜改为“is”,即删去“to be”。“see to it that”表示“注意使、留心使、设法使、务必使、努力使、保证使”等意思。它是由“及物短语动词see to + it +从属连词that”构成。“that”引导的名词从句中,谓语动词通常是一般现在时或一般过去时。上面这个句子似可改译为“我们希望你方将设法在规定时间内装运定货,因为任何拖延都会使我们遭受很大麻烦和金钱损失”。现举几个用例如下:

① I'll see to it that this does not happen again. 我一定注意不再让这种事发生。

See to it that you are here punctually tomorrow morning. 你明天上午务必准时到这里。

③ In making plans,we must see to it that there is enough leeway. 在订计划的时候,我们必须注意留有充分的余地。

④ They saw to it that the children were fed and bathed. 他们负责照料小孩的饮食和洗澡。

⑤ In giving any particular technical assistance,the Chinese Government will see to it that the personnel of the recipient country fully master such technique. 中国政府对外提供任一种技术援助的时候,保证做到使受援国的人员充分掌握这种技术。

顺便谈谈“see to”的用法。它是由不及物动词“see”和介词“to”构成,后接名词、代词或动名词。它表示“照料、注意、修理、修补、诊治”等意思。例如:

① You may rest assured that I'll see to everything here. 你可放心,我会照料这里的一切。

② The security of the machines must be seen to. 对机器的安全必须切实注意。

③ You must see to your spelling. 你必须注意拼法。

④ Something has gone wrong with my typewriter,Will you please see to it?我的打字机出了毛病。请你修一下好吗?

⑤ They will see to painting the workshop next month. 下月他们将着手油漆车间。[“painting”不能改为“paint”.]

⑥ Since you find it increasingly difficult to read small print,you will have to have your eyes seen to.既然你感到读小号字印刷物越来越困难,你得去看看你的眼睛。

39. several



Several visits each year to London. 有几个人每年都到伦敦来参观。


Several weeks passed before we received the data required. 过了几星期后我们才收到所需资料。

Several young apprentices quickly learned to operate the machines. 有几个青年徒工很快就学会操纵机器了。

Several thousand foreign guests visited the industrial exhibition last month. 上月有几千位外宾参观工业展览会。

④ We have heard the news from several. 我们从几个人那里听到那个消息。

Several of them have given their consent. 他们有数人已答应了。

⑥. When she opened the box of eggs,she found that several were broken. 当她打开那蛋盒时,发现有几个已破碎了。

在《上海学生英文报》第4版(1985年10月15日)有“…in a small pot under several inches in height…”一句话,其中“under”不该使用,“under(以及over,more than,less than,about等)”不能用在本身已表示不定数量的词语之前(包括several,some,a few等),但可以用在表示明确的数量的词语之前(包括基数词、half等)。我们可以根据情况将“under several”改为“two or three”,“about five”,等等。
