学英语,除掌握词义词形外,必须重视语序(Word order)。语序是每种语言结构的特点之一。英语间隔结构,又称分裂结构(Split Structure或Disjuncture),是语序的独特现象之一。它不同于先后倒装的语序,而是两个或两个以上成分彼此本来应紧接一起却被间隔开来的现象。间隔结构在科技英语中频繁出现,有的很容易引起翻译上的困难。例如:

News came through on the wireless of a rich oil field in the Northeast.





1. 主语+谓语+修饰主语的介词短语 从主语及其被修饰成分来分析,这是一种分裂结构。从修辞角度来看,用此分裂结构,往往可以避免头重脚轻之弊。这种分裂结构,其中of…介词短语尤为明显。例如:

(1)Studies have been made of reactor powered railway engines and hovercrafts. 人们对以核反应堆为动力的铁路机车和气垫船已作了一些研究。(由谓语have been made将of…介词短语与被其修饰的名词studies隔开。)

(2)The problem has been solved of transmitting power over a long distance. 远距离传输动力的问题已经解决了。(of…介词短语修饰problem。)

2. 名词+定语从句+修饰名词的介词短语   介词短语和定语从句同时修饰一个名词时,介词短语一般位于定语从句之前。如:I know of a place on that mountain where we can find this kind of plant.(我知道那座山上有个地方能找到这类植物。)但是,如果介词短语较长,而定语从句很短,则定语从句也可以置于介词短语之前,从而形成介词短语与其修饰成分之间隔。例如:

I saw everything I could of their work. 对他们所作所为,我能看到的都看到了。

3. 主语+谓语+修饰主语的不定式短语   作定语的不定式短语的位置,虽然总是在它修饰的名词之后,但是,当修饰主语的不定式短语很长,而句中谓语却很短时,则不定式短语往往被置于谓语之后,即由谓语将不定式短语与其修饰的主语隔开。这种谓语一般都是不及物动词或被动语态。例如:

Then the problem arises to determine to what extent irrigation could be applied to increase the present production. 然后就出现了这样一个问题:应该灌溉到什么程度,才能使目前的产量增加。(to determine…修饰problem。)

4. 定语从句与先行词之间的间隔定语从句虽然位于先行词之后,但并不总是与先行词紧接相连。

(1)定语从句与作主语的被修饰词的间隔   其间隔原因是谓语短而定语从句长,为了结构平衡并抓住句子的主要意思,有时将谓语提前,紧靠主语。例如:

a)No boats were out that we could see. 凡能看到的船只,一艘也没出航

b)No one was present that I had ever seen before. 我以前见过的人都未出席

c)Nothing should be done in a hurry that can be done slowly. 对从缓去做的事,都不宜操之过急

d)Word was soon passed that the team members had gone to the mountains to cut bamboo. 有人传话过来,队员们已进山砍竹去了。


a)let someone do it that can. 让能办这件事的人去办吧。(定语从句与作定语的被修饰词之间,被宾补隔开了。)

b)He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最美。(定语从句与作主语的被修饰词之间,被谓语和状语隔开了。)

c)The very successes of physics and chemistry have ensured that biology should now present the key problems of the whole of natural science,which will call for extensive and at the same time well co-ordinated efforts. 正是物理和化学的成就,使今日生物学得以提出有关整个自然科学的关键呼题,这些问题要求人们作出广泛而又善于配合的努力。(本句难点是:which指problems不易一目了然,)




1. The assumption was made that the earth is a great magnet. 人们提出了地球是一个巨大的磁体的假设。

2. The theory is of great importance that the hotter the body is,the more energy it radiates. 物体的温度愈高,放射的能量愈多;这一理论非常重要

3. For example,we know that the statement commonly accepted when the first edition of this book was printed,that life was altogether absent in the deeper parts of the sea,is not true. 例如,在海洋深处完全没有生命这一说法,在本书第一版付印时是众所公认的,但现在我们知道它并不正确。

4. He began to prove the theory that Professor Einstein had advanced fourteen years before that matter and energy are the same thing in different costums,and that one could be changed into another. 他开始证明爱因斯坦教授十四年前提出的理论:物质和能量是同一事物的不同形式,两者可以相互转换。(原句难点是,两个并列的同位语从句与其先行词theory之间被定语从句所隔开。)



1. This knowledge,even if apparently sound,touches only the very surface of all phenomena. 即使这种知识看来是可靠的,它只触及到所有现象的肤浅的表面。(原句结构:主语+让步状语从句+谓语,)

2. Very few atoms,as you know,can exist singly by themselves in a free state,but they usually combine together to form molecules. 人们知道,极少原子能单独以游离状态存在,它们通常相互结合成分子。(原句结构:主语+插入语+谓语。)

3. The material in the preceding chapter on velocity and acceleration for simple types of motion, which we have referred to as the logical and historical groundwork of physics,is essentially the work of Galileo Galilei. 前章所述简单运动的速度与加速度的内容,主要是伽利略的研究成果,我们把它看作物理学的逻辑基础和历史基础。(原句结构:主语+几个短语+定语从句+谓语。)


1. 谓语几个组成部分之间的间隔  在情态动词或助动词与主要动词之间,有时插入状语(从句),使谓语的两个组成部分之间造成间隔现象。例如:

(1)Many new means of transport would no doubt be invented. 许多新型的运输工具无疑会发明出来。(插入状语)

(2)Any man can,if he sees straight,follow this kind of motion of a spot of light. 只要双目直视,谁都能够跟踪光点的这种运动。(插入条件状语从句)

2. 联系动词与表语之间的间隔   位于联系动词之后的表语,与联系动词之间有时会被状语或插入语所隔离。例如:

(1)Test pits furnish one of the best means of obtaining samples which are for all practical purposes undisturbed. 试坑提供了一种最佳手段,实际上,它使人们能得到原状的试样。(被状语隔离)

(2)It is,as it were,an arbitrary zero of reckoning,and the choice of it is in our power. 它仿佛是一个任意的计算零点,我们可以自由选择。(被插入语隔离)



1. We call conductors those materials which allow electricity to pass easily. 我妇把容电流畅通的那些材料称为导体。(被补足语隔离)

2. The amino acids have,as it were,two hands:an acidic hand,and a basic hand. 氨基酸好像有两只手:一只酸性手和一只碱性手。(被插入语隔离)

3. We have already discussed to some extent the molecular conditions of gases,liquids and solids. 我们对气体、液体和固体的分子状况已作了一定的讨论,(被状语隔离)



agree with   同意某人的意见

agree about   对某事有相同的看法

agree on   商定,约定,对……取得一致意见

agree to   同意某个建议

influence on   对……的影响

good at   擅长于

equivalent to   对……相等



1. 动词与介词搭配的间隔

(1)The solutions are applied in the manner indicated above to these spots outlined in pencil. 用上面阐明的方式,把这些答案应用到铅笔勾出的那些点上。(applied与to的搭配之间夹入状语。)

(2)While there are many different compounds in petroleum,they consist for the most part of only two elements,carbon and hydrogen. 虽然石油里含有许多不同的化合物,但它们大多是由碳和氢两种元素组成的。(consist与of的搭配之间夹入状语。)

(3)The technologies have successfully transformed the scientific ideas on which the digital computer is founded into stable,reliable and economic pieces of electric equipment. 技术员已将制造数字计算机的科学原理成功地变成稳定可靠而又经济节约的电子设备。(transformed…与into的搭配之间夹入on which…引入的定语从句。)

(4)One should take notice,in selecting the site,of the material to be obtained by digging within the area of the proposed reservoir. 选择库址时,应注意在打算修建水库的地区可挖得的材料。(以介词结尾的短语动词take notice与of之间夹入状语。)

2. 名词与介词搭配的间隔

(1)The ratio of the work done by the machine to the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine. 机器输出功与其输入功之比,称为机器的效率。(名词ratio与介词to的搭配之间夹入修饰名词的定语。)

(2)The molecules of the gas meet with much more resistance from the closely packed water molecules to their free movement. 紧紧挤在一起的水分子,对气体自由运动的阻力要大得多。(名词resistance与介词to的搭配之间夹入修饰该名词的定语。)

3. 形容词与介词搭配的间隔

(1)In all these cases,absorption is due in part to capillarity. 在所有这些情况下,吸收作用部分是由毛细管引起的。(形容词due与介词to的搭配之间夹入状语。)

(2)Theforceisequalinmagnitudetotheresul-tantbutoppositeindirection. 此力与合力大小相等,方向相反。(形容词equal与介词to的搭配之间夹入状语。)

4. 名词与不定式短语搭配的间隔


Gravitational attraction is the tendency of all matter in the universe to attract all other matter. 宇宙万物吸引其他物体的倾向叫做万有引力。(名词tendency与不定式短语to attract…matter之间夹入作定语用的介词短语。)
